Well. This is going to be a rollercoaster of a blog post, so hold on tight. Last week, my mom started feeling like she had a cold, and then my dad as well. My mom began to feel better for a few days, but then she started to feel worse. This was just a few days after state volleyball, where there were people from all over the state. I am guessing you can see the writing on the wall here. The Tuesday after state volleyball my mom was notified that three coaches that were present that day had tested positive and two of them had symptoms at state. They didn't think she had to quarantine, but they wanted her to watch her symptoms just to be safe. Well, she decided to go get tested and it came back positive for COVID-19. The only good news was that my test was negative. But that meant I had to be confined to the basement where I had my own bedroom and bathroom. My dad then tested positive two days after, so that increased the worry that I would possibly develop symptoms still. It was an interesting week. One of the most scariest weeks I have ever had, because of the unknown with the virus. I couldn't fathom both of my parents becoming severely ill due to this virus, at the same exact time. Luckily, God was looking over my family, and they both have made a full recovery. I never had symptoms which was also a plus. Looking back, I am very proud of how I handled being in that situation. It was a very "touch and go" situation with my mom being sick, then my dad, most would go to assume that I would also test positive. Just a few days into my quarantine, our school district was having to quarantine mass numbers of students and teachers. So, they decided to move to the online learning model. This certainly wasn't the news anyone in our district wanted to hear. Here goes another piece of my senior year being ripped away. But, at least unlike last spring, there was hope this time. Hope that we would be back in person before the end of the school year. These past weeks have felt like they have been drawn out. It was a whirlwind of a November, but I am so very thankful that in the end everything turned out ok. My family is sure blessed.
